What to Do to Protect Your Rights Over the past decade, e-scooters have swept the nation. They offer a convenient way to get just about anywhere, but they can also be dangerous. The scooter may be poorly maintained, causing it to malfunction and … [Read more...]
The Potentially Responsible Parties in a Motorcycle Accident
How Do You Know If You Can Sue Someone for Your Losses? When you think about motor vehicle accidents, there’s a tendency to assume that there must be two drivers involved, that you have to show that another motorist caused a collision that led to … [Read more...]
Can a Parent Be Held Responsible for Injuries Caused by His or Her Child?
Is There Parental Liability in New Jersey for the Negligence of a Minor Child? Your child now has a drivers' license and occasional use of the family car. While out driving, he or she causes a motor vehicle accident, resulting in injuries to … [Read more...]
What Is Loss of Enjoyment of Life in a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawsuit?
What Losses Does It Cover? How Are Damages Calculated? In the aftermath of any personal injury, you may find it difficult or impossible to do some or many of the things that you loved doing before the accident. You may find it challenging to … [Read more...]
What Is Loss of Companionship or Consortium in New Jersey?
What Do These Damages Cover? How Are They Calculated? When you've suffered any type of personal injury, some of your losses will be easy to identify and calculate—lost wages and unreimbursed medical expenses are typically pretty clear cut. You … [Read more...]
Calculating Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Who Determines the Amount of Your Recovery? How Are Damages Calculated? When you've been hurt in any type of an accident, as a result of someone else's careless or negligent act, you have a right to seek full and fair compensation for all your … [Read more...]
Motorcycle Safety in New Jersey Winters
Staying Safe While Staying on Your Bike in Snowy and Icy Weather It takes a hardy soul to travel by motorcycle in New Jersey in the winter. But that comes natural for most people who love to ride a motorcycle. You're not about to let a cold wind … [Read more...]
Do You Have to Report a Car Accident in New Jersey?
Can You Still Get Compensation If You Don't Report the Accident? It used to be a given…when you were in a motor vehicle accident, the first thing you did was call the police, who would come and file a report. That doesn't happen as much anymore. … [Read more...]
What Is Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress in New Jersey?
Can You Recover Compensation for Fear, Stress, Anxiety or Anguish Caused by an Accident? If you have been involved in any type of accident, you know that the injuries are often more than physical. You may have witnessed horrific injury to others, … [Read more...]
Do You Have to Pay Income Taxes on a Personal Injury Award?
Is a Settlement or Verdict Taxable? If So, When? You’ve suffered injuries in a car wreck or tripped on a hazard on residential or commercial property. You’ve been unable to work, you’ve had significant medical expenses that weren’t covered by … [Read more...]