Get a Free Review of Your Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy
Make Certain You Have the Protection You Want and Need
When you’re shopping for motor vehicle insurance in New Jersey, it can be difficult to know how to get the coverage you need. Motor vehicle insurance is required and your policy must include some personal injury protection (PIP) component. The choices you make can have a significant impact on what you’ll be entitled to in the event of an accident. Don’t take your chances—let us conduct a free review of your existing motor vehicle insurance policy and help you secure the coverage you need.
I ride and know first hand how motorcyclists are mistreated and disrespected on all roads in New Jersey.
At the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC, we have protected the rights of injured people in New Jersey for more than 30 years. We built our successful practice on a commitment to provide personalized attention and professional service. We’ll work closely with you at all times, gathering and preserving evidence, preparing and filing all necessary documentation, and acting as your advocate in all hearings or proceedings. We’ll learn the details of your accident, so that we can tailor our counsel to get the outcome you want.
To arrange a free initial consultation, contact us online or call our office at 856-667-4666 (toll-free at 1-877-HOGLAW1).
The Benefits of a Free Review of Your Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy
With a comprehensive review of your motor vehicle insurance policy, you’ll know:
- Whether you have coverage in the event you are hurt in an accident involving an uninsured or under-insured motorist
- The full extent of your personal injury protection coverage
- How your policy addresses the “lawsuit threshold.”—In New Jersey, you have two choices. With the “limitation on lawsuit” threshold, you can save a lot of money. With the “no threshold” option, you spend a bit more. The “no threshold” allows you to file a claim regardless of the seriousness (or lack thereof) of your injury. The “limitation on lawsuit” threshold only allows you to recover for pain and suffering if you show one of five specific injuries set forth in the statute (death, loss of fetus, serious scarring or disfigurement, displaced fractures, or certain types of permanent injury).
Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC
We’ve protected the rights of injured people for more than 30 years, including men and women hurt in motorcycle accidents. Home and hospital visits can be arranged.Evening and weekend appointments are also available upon request. To set up a free initial consultation, contact our office by e-mail or call us at 856-667-4666 (toll-free at 1-877-HOGLAW1).
We represent motorcycle accident injury victims on a contingent fee basis. We won’t charge attorney fees unless we get compensation for your losses.
“I ride and know firsthand how motorcyclists are mistreated and disrespected on all roads in New Jersey.” – David J. Karbasian