Safety Tips for New Jersey Motorcyclists
Strategies for Keeping You Safer on the Road
There’s inherent risk when you take a motorcycle out on the open road. That’s one of its attractions. But you can enjoy the freedom that riding a bike brings without putting yourself at unnecessary risk of serious injury or death. Here are some basic rules for minimizing the likelihood of suffering serious injury in a motorcycle accident.
Hone Your Skills
Riding a motorcycle may seem intuitive, but there’s a lot you can learn from other riders. There are a number of private motorcycle safety and skills courses available throughout the state of New Jersey.
Drive Defensively
Even though there have been numerous regional and national campaigns to promote awareness of motorcycles on the nation’s roadways, it’s still a problem—other motorists will claim that they “didn’t see you.” If that’s the case, your best strategy is to keep your eyes open for them. Keep a safe distance between your bike and other vehicles. Watch for gravel, water, potholes or other road hazards. Resist the urge to goose it and go through a yellow light.
Obey Traffic Laws
Stay within the speed limit, come to a complete stop at red lights and stop signs, and don’t engage in lane splitting. It’s only legal in the state of California.
Don’t Drink and Drive
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about one in every three motorcycle accidents involves the use of alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant, slowing down your reflexes and leading to drowsiness. Those are recipes for disaster on a bike.
Make Certain Your Bike Is Safe
Before you hit the road, check your tires, make certain all lights and signals work properly and confirm that you don’t have gas or oil leaks. Adjust your mirrors, checkthe horn and brakes, and ensure that the throttle functions as it should.
Use Safety Gear
New Jersey law requires that you wear a helmet. Invest in a good set of gloves, get durable boots with non-skid soles and protect your body with a leather jacket and pants.
Contact Us
At the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC, we’ve advocated for the rights of people injured in motorcycle accidents for more than 30 years. For a free initial consultation, contact us by e-mail or call our office at 856-667-4666 (toll free at 1-877-HOGLAW1). Home and hospital visits can be arranged. Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.
We take all motorcycle accident injury claims on a contingent fee basis. There are no legal fees unless we recover compensation for your losses.
“I ride and know firsthand how motorcyclists are mistreated and disrespected on all roads in New Jersey.” – David J. Karbasian